Thursday, 15 March 2012

From the previous list, I have deduced that the three designer labels I will be forwarding through my designs are:

(halfway through this post it decided not to save and not tell me so when i clicked to post this for some reason it asked me to sign in then it wouldn't let me post so eventually I have to type up all this stuff again so excuse me if it's half done.)


It's slimline font says all it needs to. It doesn't need any decoration to add to itself as Topshop's reputation for fashionable products is known widely across the globe. 


Femininity, classyness. Daintyness, french, romance. all the connotations of Chanel are really soft. Coco knew what she was doing.


More of a hands on brand but still has the reputation of the highest as it's very practical products are always made to the best standard.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Designer Labels. What of them?

They're bland, and simple.

here's a few examples.

Topshop have the "really small sizing" thing going on. This should explain the slimline font and simplicity. They don't need their logo to be decorated, their products are.

(Personally, one of my favorites)

(Another one that I just love)


(my favourite of all time)